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Fitness Beats Depression Movement


Depression is a medical illness that negatively affects how you feel as well as

the way you think and act. Fitness Beats Depression Movement was created

by Kenyon Glover, CEO of KGXperience, a health and fitness based consulting company, and a former NBA Pro-Athlete,

to Empower, Inspire and Motivate people that are dealing with

Depression & Anxiety to DEFEAT it thru Fitness. Research has shown that the benefits of exercise improve Mood, Anxiety and Depression.

Exercise may also help keep Depression and Anxiety from coming back once

you're feeling better IF you stay consistent with it.

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Fitness Beats Depression Movement teaches how exercise may help ease Depression and Anxiety  by:

Releasing feel good endorphins and other natural brain chemicals that can enhance your sense of well-being.

"Please help us keep this Movement going by making a

Donation towards the cause"


KGXperience is set to lauch a Fitness Beats Depression Tour  


It is a ONE DAY FREE To The Public Live Fitness Expo Event that consists of:


  • ​Excerising Away Depression with live exercises with fitness trainer, Kenyon Glover and others

  • Overcoming Depression Talks with Motivational Guest Speakers

  • Yoga and Meditational Techniques 

  • Healthy Eating Tips to Boost Self-Esteem and Confidence

Target Audience is  Ages 15-45

*Please Note That An Update Will Be Provided For Each City

Once The Event  Is Confirmed & Booked*


Register & Join Us On Our First Tour

Fitness Beats Depression Dallas Event Lo


Through Vendor Participation and Sponsorship Opportunity you are supporting the mission to provide resources and help people to grab hold on Depression and turn their lives around through Fitness.

If Interested & For More Details Please Send Us An Email To

Click Below & Join The Movement By Shopping With Us
kenyon glover


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